L'Exhibiton des Muses de Jean Pault Gaultier


Off I went to Munich! Like you could have seen on Instagram & Snapchat I had a fantastic time in Germanys most beautiful city. Besides the meetings I had I also visited the exhibition of Jean Paul Gaultier at the Kunsthalle at Theatinerstraße. 
It's very inspiring to see how Gaultier interpreted his own designs over and over again. He was called the enfant terrible of Paris Haute Couture designer because he always tried to put something sexual in his designs & that can also be seen in this exhibition. He is especially famous for his corsage dresses and the cone bra which was worn by Madonna in the 90s.
The whole exhibition is constructed like a path through the history of Gaultier. The 1st room started with the typical different corsages he constructed for the fashion shows in Paris & his fragrance Classique with one of the most famous flacons in the parfum industry. Afterwards there were different rooms with different topics. For example one of the rooms showed the evolution of Gaultiers famous sailor striped tshirt & his collection of Haute Couture dresses inspired by Christian symbols. Another was dedicated to his muses like Madonna, Kylie Minogue  & Conchita.
There are so many impressions to process that I can't describe the whole atmosphere of this fantastic fair. 
If you are in Munich for a couple of days you should really take your time to visit this piece of fashion history! It is really worth a visit. Especially because Jean Paul Gautier said goodbye to the world of Prêt-à-porter.


-photocredit: The Dapper Report & Bunte Magazin-

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